Sunday, 1 November 2015

production planning: filming locations

for our production, we will need to film in a location and when we do we must consider things such as light, space and availability. since our production is likely to be outside, we must consider a number of different locations to use.

bidston woods: this is a suitable as it is a large, open space and it has natural light, and not many people go into the woods and so we could filming there without many  people coming. it will also be suitable as it can have a lot of different shots available.

Birkenhead park: this is also suitable as it is a very large space, and it has a lot of  different parts of the park to film in, and we also don't need to worry about lighting. however since a lot of people go to Birkenhead park, it will be hard to film without people getting in the way

lingham park: this is also a suitable location as it is a large, open park, and it also has an alley suitable for our film, and it is not that busy so there will be people getting in the way. it also has a lot of space for different shots. it also has natural light.

we may also film on the Wirral way because it is suitable for a chase scene as it has a lot of different features which will allow the setting to look more interesting and it will also allow a lot of different camera angles.

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