Tuesday, 19 April 2016

evaluatin questions 1-5

conventions of thriller genre

thrillers usually start with some form of action scene, and usually end with some sort of murder or a way to establish the villain in the film. we also have stereotypical sexism, in which we have a defenceless woman killed by a man, as she is more vulnerable, whereas the man is superior.

we also have the mystery of who the killer is, as we do not reveal him to the audience until the title comes up, and that is the usual thing to do in a thriller, as it keeps the audience interested and watching.

we also have one of the characters die in the beginning of the film, which is also very common in thrillers. we have filmed in a very remote place, which goes against the common stereotype of it being set in a public place, such as heavily crowded street

how does your media product represent social groups?

in our film, the murderer is supposedly working class, as he is just wearing jeans and a hoodie, whereas the police are clearly of higher class, as they are wearing suits, so you can tell that there is a clear distinction between the murderer and the police.

what kind of media institutions might distribute your film  and why?

I think that a small, independent film company will distribute our film, because it is quite low budget, and it is a typical thriller cop film, so i think large companies will be uninterested,

who would be the ideal audience for your product?

i think teenagers and young adults will be interested in our film, because they are generally interested in thrillers and go to watch them. i think a few older people would like this as well, but mostly the young adult age range will enjoy it.

how did you attract/ address the audience?

we had our film be a fast paced thriller, to get audiences that are interested in that genre to come watch the film. we also had a plot twist in the film, by having Oliver die, and we ended the opening with suspense.

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