Thursday, 10 September 2015

genre conventions- comedy

                genre conventions of 4 genres of film

mise en scene

costume: in comedy, the costumes are usually funny and are embarrassing, and they are suitable as they make people laugh.

Image result for friends holiday armadillo

make up: in comedy, there is not much make up, but it is still used on faces, to show bruises after a fight.

props: in comedy, they don't use many props, but do use bottles and cups and knives and forks in the comedies.

setting: comedies are set in many different places, but they have a main place where the characters usually meet, and the places are average places, like a café or a park.

Image result for central perk

lighting: comedies are generally lit by natural light, as they are in everyday life.

sound: in a comedy, there are average, everyday sounds, like cars honking, shouting etc., while the non diegetic is the main theme of the film

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